Get a clear idea of service costs before you book. Our approximate pricing tool provides transparent and reliable estimates tailored to your needs. Whether it's moving, cleaning, or storage services, you can compare prices to make an informed decision. Save time and plan confidently with our accurate price ranges.
Rooms | Average Moving Costs |
1 to 1.5 | CHF 560.00 - CHF 1,120.00 |
2 to 2.5 | CHF 630.00 - CHF 1,300.00 |
3 to 3.5 | CHF 850.00 - CHF 1,445.00 |
4 to 4.5 | CHF 1,020.00 - CHF 1,870.00 |
5 to 5.5 | CHF 1,540.00 - CHF 2,160.00 |
6 to 6.5 | CHF 1,840.00 - CHF 2,530.00 |
Rooms | Average Cleaning Costs |
1 to 1.5 | CHF 400.00 - CHF 650.00 |
2 to 2.5 | CHF 600.00 - CHF 780.00 |
3 to 3.5 | CHF 700.00 - CHF 950.00 |
4 to 4.5 | CHF 800.00 - CHF 1,200.00 |
5 to 5.5 | CHF 900.00 - CHF 1,500.00 |
6 to 6.5 | CHF 1,000.00 - CHF 1,900.00 |
Room Per (1 m³) | CHF 30 - CHF 50.00 |
Flat | Average Furniture Lift Costs |
Flat rate | CHF 200.00 - CHF 300.00 |
Area | Average Storage Costs |
Per (1 m²) | CHF 40.00 - CHF 60.00 |